
David Auerbach on literature, tech, film, etc.

Quick Hits

  • RIP Peter Strawson. Good obit from The Guardian.
  • Underneath the Bunker opens its doors. Like Lem’s A Perfect Vacuum, this web journal focuses on experimental literature, mostly of the Eastern European variety. Highly recommended.
  • Carl Schmitt manifests himself through Stanley Fish in the New York Times, with his attack on “liberalism’s theology.” The combination of Fish’s abstruse theorizing and its irrelevance to the debate makes me heave a heavy “Whatever.” I still think the academic left’s interest in Schmitt is one of the most depressing things to come out of the universities in a long while.
    Update: I always think of these things too late, but Fish is more or less quoting Walter Sobchak’s “Say what you want about the tenets of Islamic fundamentalism, at least it’s an ethos.”
  • How to Make Garfield Funny…Remove His Thought Balloons. This quickly led to “Remove Garfield Entirely.” Including this thing of beauty:


  1. ‘he is survived by his wife, whom he renamed ann’?!?!?

  2. We’ll miss Sir Peter. “Freedom and Resentment” was one of the most important philosophical papers of the 20th century.

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