No, it hasn’t. Sorry for the lack of posts, but other projects (see left) have been consuming what little time has been available. I hope to get back with more substantial posts shortly.
- Reading Erich Auerbach’s Mimesis, finally. It’s much easier reading than Taylor’s Sources of the Self, and, in tandem with Proust, asks the question: is what masquerades as modern realistic fiction today actually a series of Homeric narrative legends and myths?
- Otomo Yoshihide, Keiji Haino, and Tatsuya Yoshida are each playing a dozen or so shows at The Stone in December!
- Spurred by my endless confusion between the books Concrete and Cement, one a Bernhard novel and one a Russian social realist text, some friends and I tried to come up with other titles that could be similarly confused. My best so far: Obsolescence. Anyone else want to have a go?
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